
Ecology of Pollen and Fungal Spore

By: A.J. Solomon Raju
₹ 1,796.00 ₹ 1,995.00

ISBN: 81-7019-455-5
Year: 2009
Binding: Hardbound

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¨ Bee faunal diversity in the Nilgiris part of the Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu ¨Size of pollen foraging population and its dynamics in Apis cerana indica and Apis mellifera in different regions in Karnataka ¨ Preferential visitation by different species of honey bees on three elite genotypes of Sesame ¨ Foraging behaviour of honey bees on three elite genotypes of niger Comparative analysis of aerospora at five different sites in Lucknow, India ¨ Megascolia flavifrons – An unusual pollinator of onion flowers ¨ Meliponiculture for yield enhancement and food safety in Kerala ¨ Sporulation in marine brown algae of Indian coast: A Review ¨ Apomixis in an endangered endemic tree species, Poeciloneuron pauciflorum Bedd. (Clusiaceae) from the Western Ghats, South India ¨ Flower-butterfly interactions and pollination ¨ Flowering phenology and pollination mechanism of some mangrove plants ¨ Fungal airspora of Visakhapatnam ¨ Pollination Biolgy in Impatiens gardneriana wight (Balsaminaceae) ¨Phenology and Reproductive Biology of Parthenium hysterophorus L.