
Perspectives in Environmental Botany Vol 2

By: Rao
₹ 1,976.00 ₹ 2,195.00

ISBN: 8170193214
Year: 1988
Binding: Hardbound

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Contents: Preface,Contributors,Contents Vol. 1 Air pollution on forest trees,Oxides of nitrogen as air pollutants and their effects on plant growth,Effect of acidic deposition on vegetation, The impact of ozone on photoassimilate partitioning in plants,Protection of crop plants from sulphur dioxide,chilling and heat induced injury with paclobutrazol,Lead pollution and plants,Ambient air quality and vegetation of Nacharam industrial complex,Hyderabad,A network of microbiological resources centres (MIRCENs) for environmental management and increased bioproductivity in developing countries,Air pollutant mixtures and their effects on plants,Plant resistance to sulphur dioxide injury,Survey of Indian plants in relation to atmospheric pollution,Biochemical lesions in plants due to air pollution, Index.