
Social Media and Librarianship Connecting the Communities

By: Rath, P.
₹ 2,696.00 ₹ 2,995.00

ISBN: 9788170196631
Year: 2020
Binding: Hardbound

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Social media commonly known as a variety of (Web2.0) web based tools is an emerging technology being applied in libraries to improve the library and information management and quality of services. Use of social media by public at large is to connect, collaborate and create web content for information dissemination and sharing the information with users. This is an unique opportunity for libraries to increase their visibility and usage of library products and services for potential users. The present publication consisting of 33 research articles deals with application of social media tools in libraries from different perspective like, marketing of information services and products , research development , preparing libraries for 5G education, social media and IoT, social media application in LIS education. The articles contributed by practicing librarians, educators and researchers are rich in content and quite beneficial to all categories of library and information professionals.